Dastageer Sayed

Blockchain Developer

I specialize in developing inclusive and accessible blockchain solutions, leveraging my expertise to tackle novel challenges. I thrive on collaborating with fellow developers to craft innovative and impactful products within the blockchain ecosystem, aimed at addressing tangible real-world issues.


I ventured into the emerging field of web3 technology, starting my career as a developer. With my first smart contract deployed via Remix, I delved deep into the web3 ecosystem.

Over time, I've deployed 18 contracts across Ethereum, Polygon, BNB, and Layer 2 solutions like Optimism and Arbitrum, showcasing my talent extends across various blockchain ecosystems, showcasing versatility in web3 development. Specifically, contribution to projects for esteemed companies like B&O, and also collaborated with compliance entities such as Codezeros and Metageeks

I also like sharing content in LinkedIn related to the stuff that I have learned over the years in Web3 Development so it can help other people of the Dev Community.

Skill Sets

  • Solidity
  • Web3.Js
  • Ethers.js
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • React JS
  • Vite JS
  • Next JS
  • Hardhat
  • Foundry
  • GETH
  • Node JS
  • Express JS
  • RESTful APIs
  • Slither
  • Manticore
  • Echinda
  • MythX
  • Golang
  • Solana
  • Rust
  • Python
  • Git
  • Docker
  • Data Oracle
  • Cryptography
  • DLT
  • System Design


  1. December 2023 — Present

    I am


    blockchain development side of a Telegram trading bot. The bot offers copy-trading, sniping, and Uniswap V2 & V3 support across Ethereum, Polygon, BNB, Optimism, Arbitrum, and Celo. The bot facilitates spot trading across multiple chains and enables perpetual trading through DyDx, GMX, and Kwenta. It also support Account Abstraction using Biconomy Smart Account

    I've crafted a staking contract on Ethereum and delved into Solana development. Currently, I'm exploring a fresh concept called Decentralized Physical Network (De-PIN).

    • Solidity
    • Typescript
    • Slilther
    • Python
    • React
    • Rust
    • Solana
  2. June 2022 — November 2023

    I collaborated with a development team, integrating new features to enhance user experience efficiently managed code using Git, promoting teamwork. Proficient in Solidity, JavaScript, and React integration, I built projects such as Uniswap-V2, Aave, and Chainlink dex. Utilized testing tools like Slither and MythX, showcasing practical skills in multiple frameworks.

    I developed a Husky pipeline for private key validation and testing before code pushes, aiding our team. Also, crafted an NPM package generating a full-stack Blockchain Development boilerplate with Vite-JS using React TypeScript template, and NodeJS with testing framework of Hardhat.

    • Solidity
    • React JS
    • Node JS
    • GIT
    • JavaScript
    • Slither
    • Manticore


  • B&O DNA Collection

    B&O is a brand that offers a wide range of music brand, It unveils the DNA Collection: featuring 1925 unique NFTs that unite design, art, and audio.

  • Track DAO

    Track DAO ($TRACK), built on Ethereum, is a synthetic asset pegged to the floor prices of the top 10 Blue Chip NFT projects.This will be of value to investors interested in the NFT field, those priced out of such assets and those who require immediate liquidity on their investments without requiring a peer-to-peer purchase arrangement.

  • Flexbot

    Flexbot is a multichain perpetual trading bot powered by Synthetix, dydx and GMX utilizing AI gem scanning for optimal trading outcomes .It ace perpetual trading and stay ahead in the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies.


Node Js
Basic of Web Development
Golang Basics
Blockchain Basics
Solana Basics
A copied design and coded in Visual Studio Code by myself truly. Built with NextJs and Tailwind CSS, deployed with Vercel.